Friday, February 17, 2012

Arsenic in Brown Rice Syrup?

There's arsenic in brown rice syrup?!  Brown rice syrup is an ingredient in some organic foods.  This article states that they found arsenic in organic infant formula and organic foods. 

I wonder if my baby's organic formula had this when I had to supplement for a few weeks while pumping milk to build my supply since she was too weak to suck out all the milk she needed.

Since I already check labels for soy ingredients in foods at the health food store or organic foods elsewhere, I will be sure to watch for this because I don't want to take any chances.

Cloth Diaper Trial

Yesterday, I was so excited to get the shipment of my baby's cloth diapers to start using full time.

This was after doing a custom cloth diaper trial through Diaper Daisy.  I did research on all the different kinds of diapers that they offer in their trial.  I felt that "all in ones" and "all in twos" would fit best for my family.  I chose all of those options except for 2 of them since I couldn't find info on them.  I didn't think I would like Applecheeks but included it since the trial lets you select up to 9 different options.  I was thinking that GroVia, Flip or BestBottom would be the best. 

I loved how easy it was to cloth diaper.  I ended up loving Applecheeks the best, mostly because of how trim it was and then for the ease of it.  I think it's trimmer because it comes in two sizes and it's not made to be one size that fits from baby to potty training like most diapers are.   A lot of the diapers made my baby look big bottomed.  Her bum was also elevated when on she was laid on her back.

GroVia & Flip were the next best ones for ease.  But I think the GroVia dug into my baby's belly because she would cry when we sat her up in it.  The inserts for the GroVia took way too long to dry and had to be hung in a way so that there would be sufficient air flow.  Flip didn't have snaps to keep the inserts in place.

Since I liked using theApplecheeks with the prefold laid in it, I thought that perhaps I would be OK with prefolds after all so I did a 2nd trial with prefolds, snappi, covers & pockets.  I didn't like that very much so I ended that trial early and ordered the Applecheeks.  I'm SO glad that I did my research and that I didn't start out with the prefolds or I would have been completely turned off by it.

I loved that Diaper Daisy gave the option to refund your money minus the cost for the trial which was about $30 or you could get store credit.  It was the best deal I found for doing a trial without too much risk.